The Secret Formula to a Website’s Success

The Secret Formula to a Website’s Success

The 3Q Secret Formula

Having worked on a lot of websites in the past decade or so, we discovered the key to making a successful one. With that, we developed the 3Q Formula in building a website.

The 3Q Formula is a simple 3-set questionnaire that we ask ourselves (website developer and owner alike). This will help us determine the best approach to presenting information on your website and ultimately convert its users into income-generating clients / customers. Jump to 3Qs

The 3 questions to the 3Q formula

  1. Why would anyone drop by?
  2. What are they searching for?
  3. How can you guide your visitors gently towards become loyal customers?

If you could nail these three simple but powerful questions, you’re on the right path to building a website that not only attracts but also converts visitors into actual paying customers. Sounds simple, right? Let’s break these questions down and see how they apply to different scenarios.


Why would anyone drop by?

Your website stands as the digital reflection of you or your business in the world wide web. When planning the layout and content of your website, it’s paramount to grasp the motivations behind a person’s visit.

Understand that your website’s core mission is to cater to its users. If you’ve served these users well, they’d eventually convert into valued clients or customers.

Let’s answer the question together in different scenarios…


What are they searching for?

The best way to answer this question is by imagining you’re the person visiting the website. Let’s circle back to our examples above.


How can you guide your visitors gently towards become loyal customers?

With a clear understanding of the stuff our users are likely looking for on our website, we can now move on to answering question number 3.


Creating an exceptional website boils down to understanding what people want or need and giving it to them. They are the end-users, after all. By stepping into the shoes of your potential visitors, we can design a website that’s user-friendly, valuable, and affective at turning visitors into customers. Find out how much it will cost you to build an awesome website, use our free website cost calculator.

How many pages will your website have?
1 - 10
11 - 20

Table of Contents