What files should I request from my logo designer?

What files should I request from my logo designer?

A good logo designer will provide you with the right file formats upon project completion. This way, you can use the logo you paid for at its full purpose.

Why logo file format matters

So you hired a logo designer for your new business. Upon approval, you paid for it and they sent you a flat image in JPEG format. You called the project a success – yay!

Later, you wanted to use the logo on your business card, letterhead, and a big sign on your office wall. You sent the JPEG file to your printer but they asked for a bigger version and one that’s in 300 dpi quality.

You don’t know what these all mean. After all, what you got was a tiny, 72dpi 4 x 2 inch logo in a flat image. That’s all you know. So, you contacted the logo designer again and he said he will have to do hours of work to resize the logo. And guess what? They ask for another payment.

Boom. You just got scammed.

Here are the things you should ask from your designer so you don’t get scammed ever again. See the list below.


A list of things to ask from your logo designer

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